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فایل - پروژه - مقاله

عدالت سازمانی در ورزش

عدالت سازمانی در ورزش

                    عنوان انگلیسی: Organizational justice in sport عنوان فارسی: عدالت سازمانی در ورزش     رشته : تربیت بدنی تعداد صفحات مقاله اصلی:15 صفحه (pdf) تعداد صفحات ترجمه: 54صفحه ( word ) سال انتشار:2010   مجله   Sport Management Review 13 (2010) 91–105                     Abstract: Research on organizational justice in sport has evolved during the past fifteen years. Much of that research has focused on the perceived fairness of equity, equality, and need when making resource distributions (distributive justice) in intercollegiate athletics. Generally, those involved with intercollegiate athletics believe resource decisions based on equality and need are the most fair, but decisions appear to be based on different principles. Scholars have also begun examining the fairness of decision-making processes (procedural jus ...
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