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فایل - پروژه - مقاله

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فایل - پروژه - مقاله

اصل و ترجمه مقاله لاتین Overview of the Physiology and Pathophysiology of Leptin With Special Emphasis on its Role in the Kidney

اصل و ترجمه مقاله لاتین Overview of the Physiology and Pathophysiology of Leptin With Special Emphasis on its Role in the Kidney

Overview of the Physiology and Pathophysiology of Leptin With Special Emphasis on its Role in the Kidney Abstract The adipocyte product leptin is a pleiotropic adipokine and hormone, with a role extending beyond appetite suppression and increased energy expenditure. This review summarizes the biology of the leptin system and the roles of its different receptors in a multitude of cellular functions in different organs, with special emphasis on the kidney. Leptin's physiological functions as well as deleterious effects in states of leptin deficiency or hyperleptinemia are emphasized. Chronic hyperleptinemia can increase blood pressure through the sympathetic nervous system and renal salt retention. The concept of selective leptin resistance in obesity is emerging, whereby leptin's effect on appetite and energy expenditure is blunted, with a concomitant increase in leptin's other effects as a result of the accompanying hyperleptinemia. The divergence in response likely is explained by di ...

اصل و ترجمه مقاله لاتین Review on leptin and adiponectin responses and adaptations to acute and chronic exercise

اصل و ترجمه مقاله لاتین Review on leptin and adiponectin responses and adaptations to acute and chronic exercise

Review on leptin and adiponectin responses and adaptations to acute and chronic exercise Abstract Leptin and adiponectin represent two newly discovered adipose tissue derived hormones; that are both associated with health status and glucose and free fatty acid (FFA) metabolism. Moreover, acute and chronic exercises affect body composition, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. It is thus interesting to evaluate the effects of physical exercise and training on leptin and adiponectin levels. It seems that leptin concentration is not modified after short-term exercise ( or =60 min) stimulating FFA release, or after exercise that generates energy expenditure higher than 800 kcal. Adiponectin concentration presents a delayed increase (30 min) after short-term intense exercise ( or =60 min). Short-term training ( or =12 weeks) show contrasting results regarding leptin and adiponectin. Most training studies which improve fitness levels and affect body composition could decrease leptin and incre ...