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فایل - پروژه - مقاله

Fundamentals of work measurement: what every engineer should know

Fundamentals of work measurement: what every engineer should know

  CRC Press, 3 Oct 2016 - Technology & Engineering - 224 pages size: 5 Mb  file: PDF This book will provide a quick reference on Work Measurement. While the nature of the work may differ, measuring work is fundamental to any industrial or service activity. It’s needed to determine such things as the amount a person should be paid, how much time should it take to perform an activity, what is an acceptable days’ work, or how any two or more methods or designs compare. This book provides non-industrial engineers with the why and the how work is measured in order to perform their jobs.   Table of contents : Content: Cover Title Page Copyright Page Table of Contents Preface Authors 1. Introduction: Significance of Work Measurement 1.1 What Is Work? 1.2 Factors Adding Work Content to a Product (or Activity) 1.2.1 Product Design 1.2.2 Lack of Standardization and Incorrect Quality Standards 1.2.3 Poor Choice of Process or Method of Operation 1.2.4 Reducing Wa ...
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