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فایل - پروژه - مقاله

ترجمه آماده: تحلیل گر جرم: تجزیه و تحلیل جرم در میان مقاله های روزنامه ها

ترجمه آماده: تحلیل گر جرم: تجزیه و تحلیل جرم در میان مقاله های روزنامه ها

ترجمه آماده: تحلیل گر جرم: تجزیه و تحلیل جرم در میان مقاله های روزنامه ها 6 صفحه مقاله پی دی اف به علاوه 20 صفحه تایپ شده در ورد به همراه مراجع Crime Analytic: Analysis of Crimes Through Newspaper Articles Abstract Crime analysis is one of the most importantactivities of the majority of the intelligent and law enforcement organizations all over the world. Generally they collect domestic and foreign crime related data (intelligence) to prevent future attacks and utilize a limited number of law enforcement resources in an optimum manner. A major challenge faced by most of the law enforcement and  intelligence organizations is efficiently and accurately analyzing the growing volumes of crime related data. The vast geographical diversity and the complexity of crime patterns have made the analyzing and recording of crime data more difficult. Data mining is a powerful tool that can be used effectively for analyzing large databases and deriving important analytical results. This pap ...
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