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فایل - پروژه - مقاله

اصل و ترجمه مقاله لاتین Weight loss methods of high school wrestlers

اصل و ترجمه مقاله لاتین Weight loss methods of high school wrestlers

Weight loss methods of high school wrestlers   ABSTRACT PURPOSE:  The purpose of this investigation was to assess the weight loss practices of Michigan high school wrestlers at all levels of competition. METHODS: A two-page survey was designed to assess weight loss behaviors of high school wrestlers. It was mailed by the Michigan High School Athletic Association (MHSAA) midway through the wrestling season to all Michigan high schools participating in interscholastic wrestling. RESULTS: Completed surveys were received from 2532 wrestlers. Wrestlers lost an average of 6 pounds during the season. Over 50% of wrestlers lost more than 5 pounds; 27% of wrestlers lost at least 10 pounds; 72% of wrestlers engaged in at least one potentially harmful weight loss method each week of the wrestling season; 52% used at least two methods each week; 12% used at least five methods each week. Weekly use of laxatives, diet pill, or diuretics was reported by 2% of wrestlers. Vomiting to lose ...
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