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فایل - پروژه - مقاله

ترجمه مقالات لاتین 2015 رشته مدیریت: Challenges and opportunities affecting the future of human resource management

ترجمه مقالات لاتین 2015 رشته مدیریت: Challenges and opportunities affecting the future of human resource management

Abstract Today, the field of Human Resource Management (HR) is experiencing numerous pressures for change. Shifts in the economy, globalization, domestic diversity, and technology have created new demands for organizations, and propelled the field in some completely new directions. However, we believe that these challenges also create numerous opportunities for HR and organizations as a whole. Thus, the primary purposes of this article are to (a) examine some of the challenges and opportunities that should influence the future of HR, and (b) provide an overview of the very interesting articles included in the special issue. We also consider implications for future research and practice in the field. Keywords Future of human resource managementGlobalizationKnowledge economyDiversityTechnology   چالش ها و فرصت های مؤثر بر آینده مدیریت منابع انسانی چکیده  امروزه، رشته مدیریت منابع انسانی (HR) فشارهای زیادی را برای تغییر تجربه کرده است. تغییرات در اقتصاد، جهانی شدن، تنوع داخل ...
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