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فایل - پروژه - مقاله

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فایل - پروژه - مقاله

اصل و ترجمه مقاله لاتین Planning of sustainable cities in view of green architecture

اصل و ترجمه مقاله لاتین Planning of sustainable cities in view of green architecture

Planning of sustainable cities in view of green architecture Abstract Green architecture usually symbolise the sustainability of modern cities. While urban central areas are usually endowed with a multitude of green spaces, they are also the areas that are most prone to the undesirable effects of growth and urbanisation. Planning of sustainable cities serves as a fundamental catalyst for change, improving environmental quality of the natural and built environments, and upgrading conditions for development of green architecture. This paper analyses strategies that have been used in Baku, Azerbaijan, and a focuses on the strategies of sustainable development, that have been used to upgrade the environmental quality of this city. Keywords sustainable city, urban planning, green architecture, environmental quality, Baku برنامه ریزی پایدار شهرها براساس معماری سبز چکیده معماری سبز، معمولا نمادی از پایداری شهرهای مدرن است.در حالی که نواحی مرکزی شهرها معمولا با فضاهای سبز احاطه شده است، باا ...
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