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فایل - پروژه - مقاله

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فایل - پروژه - مقاله

ریسک دادخواهی، کیفیت حسابداری و بازده سرمایه گذاری

ریسک دادخواهی، کیفیت حسابداری و بازده سرمایه گذاری

Abstract This paper examines the moderating effect of litigation risk on the relationship between accounting quality and investment efficiency. We use directors’ and officers’ (D&O) liability insurance as a proxy for litigation risk, accruals quality for accounting quality, and investment cash flow sensitivity for investment efficiency (Biddle & Hilary, 2006; Hovakimian & Hovakimian, 2009). Using Canadian data from 1998 to 2008, we show that firms with higher D&O insurance coverage exhibit lower quality accruals. Moreover, the previously documented negative association between accruals quality and investment cash flow sensitivity is stronger (weaker) when abnormal D&O coverage is low (high), suggesting that the role of accounting quality in facilitating investment efficiency is conditional upon observable litigation risk چکیده در  این مقاله به تاثیر ریسک دادخواهی بر رابطه بین کیفیت حسابداری و بازده سرمایه گذاری می پردازیم. از بیمه مسئوو ...
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